Latest Update
Every child has the right to be healthy
There is no point taking antibiotics for colds & flu
MONTUM-like probiotics are suggested by US health authority for C. diff. diarrhea
What is Probiotic ?
What human beings need to survive?
Prof. Gregor Reid (Probiotics expert) What do we need to survive?
Prof. Robert Clancy (Immunologist) How probiotic bacteria elevate immunity and fight against infections
Latest Bone Health
Our dietary Calcium can be absorbed instead of using Calcium as chemical?
Oligofructose-enriched inulin (InoCal, Orafti Synergy1) is a breakthrough prebiotic product from plant origin. InoCal helps to increase the number of Bifidobacteria (good...
Latest Immune Health
There is no point taking antibiotics for colds & flu
You wake up coughing, sneezing and congested and feel like you don’t even have enough energy to get out of bed. You’re sick!...
Latest Intestinal Health
MONTUM-like probiotics are suggested by US health authority for C. diff. diarrhea
US health authorities have proposed a MONTUM-like combination as an alternative treatment to antibiotics for C. difficile diarrhea Clostridium difficile infections have...
Latest Video
Every child has the right to be healthy
What is Probiotic ?
Prof. Gregor Reid (Probiotics expert) What do we need to survive?
Prof. Robert Clancy (Immunologist) How probiotic bacteria elevate immunity and fight against infections
Prolong Healthy Life